Our Services
At Reconstruct-Ag we provide a professional comprehensive service that cover both technical and financial aspects. We are equipped to help you maximize your profitability by providing technical assistance with a keen understanding of the financial implications. Let's work together to take your business to the next level!
We pride ourselves on being an industry leader on the science of Mycorrhizae and Rhizophagy root association. Through tests developed by us that evaluate the soil spore density of Mycorrhizae; Mycorrhizae root colonization percentage and Rhizophagy activity we can advise with a high degree of confidence on these matters.
Learn more about the soil spore density test.
Learn more about the Mycorrhizae root colonization percentage and Rhizophagy activity evaluation.
How to take the soil and root samples.
Soil Health tests Analyses interpretation and evaluation.
Haney test
Soil Health Assessment
PLFA (Phospho Lipid Fatty Acid) analyses
NLFA (Neutral Lipid Fatty Acid) analyses
Total Nutrient Digest Analysis (TND)
Permanganate Oxidizable Carbon (Pox C)
ACE (Autoclaved Citrate Extractable) Protein analyses.
Cover crop nutrient analyses.
Technical farm evaluation.
Comprehensive farm soil health evaluation and improvement recommendations towards decreased inputs.
Conversion to Regenerative Agriculture.
Planning the move: -
How many acres?
What crop?
Animal integration?
Cover crops?
Crop rotation and regenerative phase incorporation
Comprehensive analysis revealing critical insights into the farm's financial health, efficiency, and overall performance.
Evaluating: -
Cost Management​
Operational Efficiency​
Strategic management.
Implementing a Strategic plan.
Identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Create a vision for the business.
Identify clear and measurable objectives for the next 3 to 5 years.
Establish a plan that will achieve these objectives together with key performance indicators that are relevant in achieving the objective.
Forward planning for 5 or more years with milestones to achieve the stated objective.