The products we provide are selected from very reputable suppliers with long standing years of experience in this industry.
Pure Mycorrhiza-In Vitro Technology (PM-IVT) Product of Ecto and Endomycorrhizaes (AMF’s)
True-to-type Product​
Produced through Pure Mycorrhiza-In Vitro Technology (PM-IVT)
Highly Concentrated product to tailor-make finished product
Accurate Propagule or Spore Count
Region specific functionally superior native strains to avoid introduction of exotic biologics
Quality Product (free of pathogens, bacteria, viruses etc.)
Transportation and cost effective with minimal carbon footprint
High Shelf Life (2-5 Years)
Applicable to Broad-acre crops, Woody Perennials, Medicinal Plants, lawns and turfs, nurseries, Specialty crops, vegetable’s, tree crops and indoor vertical farming
Storage at ambient temperature
Exclusively and distinctly designed formulation keeping in view customer’s needs includes in furrow, drip and sprinkler, drone and backpack sprayers, seed treatment for (film coating, incrusting and pelleting), root dipping and tuber spraying.
​This specialized technology based technical concentrate product is suitable to formulate the finished products such as powder, liquid and granules in following applications:
​Seed Coating
In Furrow
Drip Irrigation
Greenhouse and nurseries
Transplanted crops and seedlings
MycoGreen NPK is a dual inoculant containing ten functionally diverse mycorrhizal fungi and eight bacterial species.
Ten species of mycorrhiza fungi: Scutellospora, Gigaspora margarita, Gigaspora rosea, Glomus celedonium, Glomus macrocarpum, Glomus aggregatum, Gigaspora albida, Glomus mossea, Glomus clairoideum, Glomus clarum, Glomus etunicatum, Glomus deserticola, Glomus intraradices.
250,000 propagule count.
Nitrogen fixation through free-living nitrogen fixers (Azotobacter chroococcum) which live in the soil rhizosphere and an endophytic nitrogen fixing bacteria (Gluconoacetobacter diazotrophicus) that colonizes the vascular system of plants and contributes available nitrogen directly to the plant sap.
Phosphorus solubilization through a bacterium (Bacillus megaterium) which can help free up forms of phosphorus that have been bound up over time by calcium, iron, aluminum and certain clay minerals.
Potassium-solubilizing bacteria (Bacillus mucilaginous), which can free potassium bound up in forms unavailable to plants through the secretion of organic acids that dissolve potassium bearing silicate minerals such as feldspars and micas.
Better suppression of root disease through plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and root disease suppressing organisms (Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus licheniformis, Streptomyces griseus). These microbes are known to eat a wide range of plant disease causing organisms.